Friday, January 11, 2008

This week/Next week Status report

This week:
What I said I'd do vs. what I did:

> - The BSAR project documentation and db outline seems to be done for now.
> Next up is another meeting with Darrel followed by doing a presentation
> for the other BSAR people. There's no meeting scheduled yet, but
> hopefully I can get one in next week.

The presentation is this Monday at 2. Slides are done, but I imagine I'll
spend some time tweaking them before the actual meeting.

> - Rewriting the eCAFE specs as a starting point for the advisory board.

This turned out to be bigger than I thought. All my old "screenshots"
need to be redone, along with the site flow diagrams. Between that and
re-thinking how all the pieces fit together, this will be my big job for
next week.

- More reading.

Slow progress. I feel a little scattered right now between the usability
stuff and the MySQL stuff. Guess I need to set a priority.

Next week:

- Polish up the BSAR presentation, and incorporate feedback from the meeting.
- Clean up some recent changes I made to the specs
- There's a meeting on Tuesday @ 2pm with the ODS people to discuss a specific
issue we've been having.
- Rewrite the eCAFE specs with the goal of getting the first version out to current board members at the end of the week.
- The caveat to the previous item is that co-worker leaves on Thursday, so Thursday/Friday may be taken up with unknowns depending on where she is with the database updates.

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