Friday, January 25, 2008

Status Report 1/24-1/28

What I said/did:
- Release to staff users. Set up HCC campus-wide.
- Volunteering at TIP conference for most of the week, and there's a holiday on Monday, so I'll work in eCAFE/BSAR specs as I can, but I'm not expecting much.

I did send out the notice to the staff users. HCC needs a bit more work as I'm trying something new with setting them up which needs more testing but hopefully will save me effort later in the semester.

I'm still holding on the BSAR specs as I've only gotten three responses so far, and not all of my questions have been addressed. Darrel sent an email to all probable users yesterday, asking them to provide feedback. I'll give that a week and then put out a final plea if I don't get much back.

The eCAFE specs are coming along nicely.

Had a meeting with Hae regarding eCAFE. She's going to talk to some faculty organization about a plan we discussed regarding who gets to see results. She opines that any faculty who is mandatory likely has to share their results, so we could allow the dept to see those without having the instructor send it. She'll be looking into it, meanwhile, I'll write it into the specs and see if instructors flip about it or what.

We also discussed the advisory board. She told me about hers, and I told her about mine. We've agreed that I'll publish the new specs to the blog, gather feedback from both boards, and then we'll set up a meeting with her official board to discuss and make any needed decisions.

Next week:

- Finish eCAFE specs rewrite and post to blog
- Test new HCC setup
- Work on setting up the schema in eCAFE MySQL db.

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