sick, so the last weekly status report I filed was on 2/1.
What I said/did:
> - Setting up a meeting w/ the official advisory board.
Had the meeting. Got approval on the specs so we can move forward with
development. There are a few issues still outstanding, but we have time
before those need to be resolved, and people are assigned to get them
> - Setting up interviews w/ various people who do things "differently."
complain, but when I try to set up meetings, they're busy. At
least some actually read the doc and provided feedback. I haven't
given up on meetings, or at least phone conversations, yet.
> - Working on db schema (where I plan to spend the majority of my time)
Some changes came out of the meeting which still need to be incorporated.
I plan on finishing this today.
> - HCC stuff.
Never touched it.
In other news:
I made a stripped down version of eCAFE which logs in all the different
user types and takes them to the appropriate page. It doesn't do anything
else. This is necessary due to the huge changes going on in the database
schema. We had to strip all but the most basic of code out so we can run
the system on the new schema. This new eCAFE is checked in as a
completely separate new project.
I spent some time looking into possible methods of transferring data from
ods to eCAFE, I know this is tasked to someone else, but since it's going
to affect S and I in a big way, I think I should at least have a
passing familiarity with the options.
Spending time working on my MySQL knowledge. Apparently, I've forgotten a
lot. No worries, it's coming back.
Next week:
- Hook up the new eCAFE to MySQL and start adding parts back in (copy
code from the old eCAFE and edit it for the new schema).
- Once I have the changes to the schema finished, I'll add more tables in
the MySQL database as necessary.
- Try to get some meetings with users.